329 ITR

Section 48, Section 45, Section 54F, Section 55

Karnataka H.C : the assessee was entitled to claim deduction under s. 54F of the Act on the income derived from sale of shares on the ground that the same had been invested on a house owned by his wife at No. 797, Rustumbagh, Bangalore by taking into consideration certain unilateral agreement with contractors, tender forms for proposed construction only signed by the assessee and not by the other party and rejected by the AO and certain vouchers produced for the first time before the Tribunal and consequently recorded a perverse finding

High Court Of Karnataka CIT & Anr. vs. P.R. Seshadri Section 45, 48, 54F, 55(2)(a) Asst. Year 1996-97 D.V. Shylendra

Sec. 158BB, Section 69C

Gujarat H.C : the assessee would not have included the undisclosed income in the Return for regular assessment is perverse in as much as the assessee has itself admitted that such undisclosed income had not been recorded in the books of accounts and such income had also not been included in the accounts as reflected in the annual reports for the relevant financial years which had been produced by the assessee

High Court Of Gujarat DCIT vs. Radhe Developers India Ltd. Section 158BB, 69C D.A. Mehta & S.R. Brahmbhatt, JJ. Tax

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