Section 80J

Sec. 80J(4)(iv)

Rajasthan H.C : Whether, on the facts and in the circumstances of the case, the Tribunal was justified in holding that since the relief under s. 80J of the IT Act, 1961, in respect of the new industrial undertaking had been allowed to the assessee in the initial assessment year, the ITO was not entitled to refuse the same relief in respect of that undertaking in the subsequent assessment year unless the relief allowed for the initial year is withdrawn by the ITO ?

High Court Of Rajasthan : Jaipur Bench CIT vs. Mahavir Rubber Works Section 80J(4)(iv) Asst. Year 1979-80 Y.R. Meena &

Sec. 32(1), Sec. 43(1), Section 32, Section 32A, Section 43, Section 80HH, Section 80J

Gujarat H.C : Whether, the Tribunal is right in law and on facts in holding that subsidy amount should not be deducted from the cost of plant and machinery for allowing depreciation and investment allowance and for computation of capital employed under s. 80J of the IT Act, 1961 ?

High Court Of Gujarat CIT vs. Cadila Chemicals (P) Ltd. Section 32(1), 32A, 43(1), 80HH, 80J Asst. Year 1983-84 M.S.

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