Section 40A

Sec. 35B, Sec. 40A(8), Section 40, Section 40A

Madras H.C : Whether, on the facts and circumstances of the case, the Tribunal was right in law in holding that the assessee is entitled to weighted deduction under s. 35B of the IT Act, 1961 in respect of the expenditure incurred by it on its goodwill chartering business in the asst. yr. 1978-79?

High Court Of Madras CIT vs. South India Corporation (Agencies) Ltd. Sections 35B, 40A(8) Asst. Year 1978-79 Janarthanam & Mrs. […]

Sec. 40(c), Sec. 40A(5)

Madras H.C : Whether, on the facts and in the circumstances of the case, the expenditure of the assesseecompany which resulted in the provision of a perquisite to the employees or benefit or amenity to a director by reason of his being provided with cars used for both official and private purposes, should be taken to be the actual expenditure incurred in respect of the cars amounting to Rs. 3,98,746 in respect of the employees and Rs. 4,49,072 in respect of the directors or at the value of the perquisite of private use of the cars estimated in the assessments of the employees at Rs. 1,26,413 and the directors at Rs. 3,55,988 for the purpose of making disallowance under s. 40A(5) and s. 40(c)(i) of the IT Act, 1961 ?

High Court Of Madras CIT vs. Madura Coats Ltd. Sections 40(c), 40A(5) Asst. Year 1976-77 N.V. Balasubramanian & Mrs. A.

Sec. 35B, Sec. 40(c), Sec. 40A(5), Section 35, Section 40

Madras H.C : Whether, on the facts and circumstance of the case, the Tribunal was right in following the earlier order and holding that remuneration paid to Sri J. Wood and K.J. Wells is to be taxed under the provisions of s. 40A(5)(b)/40(c) beyond the exempted amount under s. 10(6)(vii) of the IT Act ?

High Court Of Madras Lucas Tvs Ltd. vs. CIT Sections 35B, 40(c), 40A(5) Asst. Year 1982-83, 1983-84 N.V. Balasubramanian &

Sec. 40A(3), Section 40A

Allahabad H.C : Whether, on the facts and in the circumstances of the case, the Tribunal, was correct in law in holding that the payments of Rs. 1,26,583 made by the assessee for purchases of raw materials for its business were allowable as a deduction from the assessee’s income and could not be disallowed under s. 40A(3) of the IT Act, 1961 ?

High Court Of Allahabad CIT vs. Narang Ram Chiranji Lal Section 40A(3) Asst. Year 1971-72 Om Prakash & R.K. Gulati,

Sec. 28(i), Sec. 36(1)(v), Sec. 37(1), Sec. 40A(7), Section 256, Section 28, Section 36, Section 40

Allahabad H.C : Whether on the facts and in the circumstances of the case the assessee was entitled for deduction of Rs. 79,300 on account of contribution to the employees’ gratuity fund even though the gratuity fund was not approved by the CIT as required under the IT Act, 1961 for the asst. yr. 1974-75 ?

High Court Of Allahabad CIT vs. Laxmi Sugar & Oil Mills Ltd. Sections 28(i), 36(1)(v), 37(1), 40(a)(iv), 40A(7), 256 Asst.

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